Selasa, 04 Mei 2010

Hooded Bath Towels For Kids

Executive summary about Kids Bath by Niall Roche
What you'll need:
1. One bath towel
2. One matching hand towel
3. Sewing machine and matching thread
4. Rotary cutter or scissors
1. Measure and cut the hand towel in half width-wise.
2. Fold bath towel in half width-wise to find center. Fold one half of hand towel in half and match the middle of it to the middle of the bath towel. Pin raw edge of hand towel to bath towel.
3. Sew the two together.
4. Fold the hand towel in half, right sides together. Pin along top. Sew across the edge.
5. Flip right-side out and you're done!

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