Making a custom shower curtain for your bathroom requires a few craft supplies and some creativity. Things you'll need:
1. Drop cloth
2. Rag
3. 24-by-30-inch piece of artwork
4. Painter's tape
5. Paint pens
6. Latex paints
7. Brushes
1. Spread out the shower curtain so it lies flat.
2. Select a piece of art that you want to transfer to the shower curtain.
3. Place the art that you have selected facedown on the inside face of the shower curtain.
4. Wear a paint mask to prevent the inhalation of toxic paint fumes.
5. Flip the curtain over. Use a paint pen to outline the basic shapes on the art.
6. Mix the latex paint with a touch of water to make it flow easier.
7. Use a thin brush to paint the edges of the shapes and any small details.
8. Let the shower curtain dry as long as recommended by the paint manufacturer's instructions. Touch up any areas with paint if necessary. Allow the paint to dry once again.
9. Remove the tape and the art from the shower curtain.
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